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World Book Dictionary

Istruzione Riferimento Riferimento Istruzione
Sviluppatore Software MacKiev
4.99 USD

The 240,000-entry World Book® Dictionary is a powerful language resource for home, school, and business from the editors of World Book Encyclopedia.

This is the ultimate Mac dictionary. Dont try any of these things with the built-in dictionary in your Mac:

• Double-click any word in a definition to find out that words meaning
• Give voice commands ("Pronounce please" or "Read the definition")
• Get a list of words with similar spellings (handy if youre not sure how a word is spelled)
• Check the history drawer with a list of words you have looked up during that session
• Pronounce each word you look up automatically (set in preferences)
• Click to have the definition read out loud from beginning to end
• Open multiple windows to compare definitions
• Choose colors for different parts of the definition (eg synonyms in red)

Our favorite feature, and soon to be yours, is "Related Entries". Lets say you look up the word "sand", you get the following choices for what to display in the Related Entries section:

• Found in Definitions: A list of words whose definitions contain the word "sand". For example, you would discover the word "sabulous" which means "consisting of sand; full of sand; sandy; gritty." Bet you didnt know that.

• Found in Examples: A list of words whose definitions page contains an example that uses the word "sand" in a sentence. For example, one word on the list is "pervious" whose definition contains this example: "Sand is easily pervious to water."

• Exact matches: A list of words in which "sand" appears, such as "sandal", "sandal tree" and "sandalwood".

• Similar words: A list of words with most of the letters the same. This is very handy if you are not quite sure how a word you are looking up is spelled.